Federal Work-Study

雇主联邦勤工俭学信息Opens in new window

社区服务雇主联邦勤工俭学信息Opens in new window

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides part-time jobs for undergraduates and graduate students with financial need, 允许他们赚钱来帮助支付教育费用. The program encourages community service work and work related to the student's course of study. FWS提供给所有符合以下资格的学生. 基金是以先到先得的方式发放. Once enough students are hired to utilize all Federal Work-Study funds, FWS hiring will cease. 

学生受雇于校内和校外的合作伙伴. Students receive an allocation of funds to be earned through part-time employment. FWS employee are paid once a month, 从加州的最低工资到最高23美元不等.每小时25美元,取决于工作类型.

校园内FWS职位的广告刊登在 HRDI’s Career page Opens in new window . 和校外FWS职位可以在 Titan ConnectionOpens in new window . If you are interested in a position that is not designated as Federal Work-Study, while interviewing you can still share that you are Federal Work-Study eligible. Whether or not students are hired as Federal Work-Study students is determined by the hiring department.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Complete the FAFSA by March 2nd

  2. Answer "Yes" to question 28 on the FAFSA, "Are you interested in being considered for work-study?"

  3. Submit all requested financial aid documentation from your To-Do-List by the due date

  4. EFC of $3,000 or less

  5. 保持令人满意的学业进步 

  6. 每学期至少选修六(6)门或以上的课程

  7. 必须有联邦指南确定的联邦需要

The Student's Responsibility

  • 获得FWS奖励的学生不必访问接受奖励通知.

  • The FWS Coordinator will accept the student's award during the FWS hiring process (which must be initiated by the employer).  Financial Aid must receive the request to approve their FWS appointment from their employer, 学生必须满足所有资格要求.

  • Provide a copy of your award summary to show proof of a FWS award when submitting applications. If an award is not included in your award summary, you cannot apply for FWS jobs. 奖励总结可以在学生门户网站上获得, 在你的学生主页上的“经济援助”下.

  • Complete the hiring process with your employer ensuring that all required documents have been provided to Human Resources.

  • 通知你的主管你的FWS奖励的任何变化.

  • Work with your supervisor to keep accurate records of hours worked so as not to exceed the FWS allocation.

  • 按时完成并提交考勤表给相应的主管.

  • 在任何时候,每学期至少要有一半的时间. If you drop below the half-time unitOpens in new window ,你就不能继续在FWS的规定下受雇.

  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic ProgressOpens in new window 根据财政援助办公室的政策和程序.

Important FWS Information

Finding a FWS Job

Simply visit HRDI’s Career websiteOpens in new window 并利用联邦勤工俭学过滤器. If you are having problems finding a job you may want to seek assistance from the Career Center. They can help you develop a resume, prepare for interviews, 十大靠谱网赌平台职业,并拥有许多其他重要和有价值的资源.


以确保你成功地找到联邦勤工俭学的职位, please apply early in the academic year as availability of positions will decrease over time. 一定要注意雇主的需求, 如果他们正在寻找与你不同的专业, 也许你应该考虑另谋高就. Also, if you are interested in a position, writing a cover letter or email to the employer may be a great way to introduce yourself, highlight your skills, and show your interest in the job. 

FWS - Terms & Conditions

  • 渔护局以先到先得的方式运作. 所有有资格获得该奖项的学生都可能收到录取通知书. 如果学生在FWS资金可用期间没有找到工作, 他们的联邦勤工俭学奖学金可能会被取消.

  • You must meet CSUF 学生助理招聘资格Opens in new window

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

  • Have a social security number.

  • 继续满足财政援助要求.

  • You must be enrolled in at least half-time unitsOpens in new window 在你受雇的任何学期内

  • For continued participation in the FWS program, you must meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic ProgressOpens in new window .

  • 如果你因为任何原因失去了经济援助资格, you also lose your eligibility for FWS and you must stop working immediately.

  • 你一次只能在FWS的一个校内/校外职位工作. 你是否希望在校园里获得多份工作, 它需要通过一个非fws学生的职位. 
  • You can no longer earn FWS funds after you have completed your academic career at CSUF.

HOur Limits

  • You may work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the school year between Mid-August through Mid-May.

  • 工作时间取决于FWS奖励的数量和雇主的需要.

  • 你不能超过你已批准的FWS奖励.

Employment Policies

Once an employer agrees to hire you, you must complete the FWS employment authorization process before you may begin working. You must provide I-9就业证明文件Opens in new window to Human Resources.  

Your employer will submit all necessary paperwork for you to begin working and the FWS Coordinator will accept your FWS award on your behalf once eligibility is confirmed.


Federal Work-study students are awarded beginning in July for the academic year. 这些学生可以在7月至8月(夏季)任课。, 八月/九月至十二月(秋季), and from January to May (Spring). All on-campus Federal Work Study will cease in May to support end-of-year reconciliation. The Federal Work-Study program will communicate the work end dates to employers as the end of Spring approaches.

Summer employment

谁可以在开学前工作(7 / 8月)?

You may begin to earn a portion (20%) of your academic year award during July/August, if

  • You have already received an award letter which includes a Federal Work-Study award,

  • You have made Satisfactory Academic ProgressOpens in new window during the preceding year, and

  • You will be enrolled in at least half-time units Opens in new window during the upcoming Fall semester.

  • You may only be eligible to work 20 hours a week if you are enrolled in summer courses.

Pay Periods

Pay periods are based on the "Attendance and Pay ScheduleOpens in new window " for the current year. At the end of the pay period, submit your time sheet to your FWS supervisor for payment. FWS学生在下个月的15日或之前付款. 您的雇主将批准并将您的时间表提交给Payroll服务. If your timesheet is submitted late, you will still be paid, but the payment may be delayed.

Pay checks

发薪日为每月15日或之前. You will be paid only for the hours you have worked and reported on your time-sheet for the previous month.


You are entitled to one 15-minute break within four consecutive hours worked. When working a full eight-hour day, you may take two 15-minute breaks with pay and minimum of one 30-minute lunch break without pay. Paid breaks may not be taken at the beginning or end of the work period and are not cumulative.

Employee benefits

在你的正常工作时间,你的保险由 Worker's CompensationOpens in new window 与工作有关的疾病或伤害保险. 此外,所有员工都有资格使用 Employee Assistance ProgramOpens in new window . FWS students are not entitled to other employment benefits such as overtime pay, paid holidays, vacation or sick leave, 失业保险或永久身份.

Employment Expectations

You are entitled to be informed by your FWS supervisor of your expected work schedule and duties. 你应该以专业的方式行事.



  • 你的工作时间表与雇主的需求不相符;

  • You display unprofessional conduct such as repeated absences or tardiness;

  • You do not maintain confidentiality of records; or

  • Your work is unsatisfactory.


Monitoring Your Earnings

  • You are responsible for monitoring your FWS wages and notifying your FWS supervisor when you are close to reaching your FWS allocation (maximum earnings). You may not earn more than your FWS award amount as indicated in TITAN Online. If your FWS award is revised, you must notify your FWS supervisor immediately.

  • You are responsible for reporting your time accurately and submitting your time sheet on time each month to your supervisor.


如果你不符合联邦工作学习的资格, 你可能想看看其他的校园就业机会: 


Need more assistance?

Contact the Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 657-278-3125
or submit an inquiry through our Financial Aid Questions ticketing system on our Contact Us page.Opens in new window